Pariwisata, yang merupakan salah satu sektor potensial bagi penerimaan PAD di Sulawesi Selatan, itu mungkin dikembangkan lebih optimal lagi. Wilayah Sulawesi Selatan memiliki objek wisata yang beragam, baik wisata alam dengan pemandangan pegunungan pantai mengikuti bentuk memanjang, wisata bahari, wisata agro, dan atraksi budaya, termasuk tempat bersejarah banyak yang dimiliki oleh daerah, seperti di Tana Toraja dan Polewali Mamasa. Semua ini menambah keanekaragaman kekayaan obyek wisata di daerah Sulawesi Selatan.
Namun, potensi yang hanya bisa berkembang jika itu bekerja dalam waktu yang lebih profesional, sehingga memiliki daya tarik besar bagi wisatawan domestik dan asing. Untuk meningkatkan pembangunan pariwisata di Sulawesi Selatan, telah membangun sarana dan prasarana seperti jalan, transportasi (darat, laut, udara), dan hotel, yang dapat mendorong peningkatan ¬ kemajuan pariwisata di daerah ini. Jika sarana dan prasarana yang baik diberikan dalam ¬ mampu, mungkin juga bahwa investor asing dan domestik akan tertarik untuk berinvestasi di sektor pariwisata dan hiburan ini. Ini berarti, potensi sektor pariwisata di Sulawesi Selatan akan tumbuh lebih optimal.
Sulawesi Selatan memiliki peluang yang sangat menjanjikan untuk memperluas perdagangan dengan provinsi lain, termasuk memperlakukan ¬ jaringan luas dengan ekspor di luar negeri, mengingat kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, terutama teknologi informasi dan sektor telekomunikasi, yang sangat cepat. Selain itu, posisi geografis sangat strategis Sulawesi Selatan, yang di persimpangan jalur transportasi laut internasional. Namun, hal ini kembali ke SDM dan investasi modal ¬ di daerah ini.
Welcome to Tourism of South Sulawesi Province
Tourism, which is one of the potential sectors for the reception of PAD in South Sulawesi, it was probably developed more optimal again. South Sulawesi region has a diverse tourist attraction, either natural attractions with the landscape of mountainous coast following the elongated shape, maritime tourism, agro tourism, and cultural attractions, including many historical attractions are owned by the region, such as in Tana Toraja and Polewali Mamasa . All this adds richness diversity of attractions in this area of South Sulawesi.
However, that potential can only develop if it worked in a more professional, so having a big attraction for both domestic and foreign tourists. To enhance tourism development in South Sulawesi, have built facilities and infrastructure such as roads, transportation (land, sea, air); and hotels, which can encourage the advancement ¬ increase in tourism in this region. If the facilities and good infrastructure was provided in ¬ able, it is also possible that the foreign and domestic investors will be interested to invest in tourism and entertainment sector this. This means, the potential of tourism sector in South Sulawesi will grow more optimally.
South Sulawesi has a very promising opportunities for expanding trade with other provinces, including the treat ¬ extensive network with overseas exports, given the progress of science and technology, particularly information technology and telecommunications sector, which is very rapid. In addition, the geographical position is very strategic South Sulawesi, which is at the intersection of international sea transportation routes. However, it was returned to the HR and ¬ capital investments in this area.
Namun, potensi yang hanya bisa berkembang jika itu bekerja dalam waktu yang lebih profesional, sehingga memiliki daya tarik besar bagi wisatawan domestik dan asing. Untuk meningkatkan pembangunan pariwisata di Sulawesi Selatan, telah membangun sarana dan prasarana seperti jalan, transportasi (darat, laut, udara), dan hotel, yang dapat mendorong peningkatan ¬ kemajuan pariwisata di daerah ini. Jika sarana dan prasarana yang baik diberikan dalam ¬ mampu, mungkin juga bahwa investor asing dan domestik akan tertarik untuk berinvestasi di sektor pariwisata dan hiburan ini. Ini berarti, potensi sektor pariwisata di Sulawesi Selatan akan tumbuh lebih optimal.
Sulawesi Selatan memiliki peluang yang sangat menjanjikan untuk memperluas perdagangan dengan provinsi lain, termasuk memperlakukan ¬ jaringan luas dengan ekspor di luar negeri, mengingat kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, terutama teknologi informasi dan sektor telekomunikasi, yang sangat cepat. Selain itu, posisi geografis sangat strategis Sulawesi Selatan, yang di persimpangan jalur transportasi laut internasional. Namun, hal ini kembali ke SDM dan investasi modal ¬ di daerah ini.
Welcome to Tourism of South Sulawesi Province
Tourism, which is one of the potential sectors for the reception of PAD in South Sulawesi, it was probably developed more optimal again. South Sulawesi region has a diverse tourist attraction, either natural attractions with the landscape of mountainous coast following the elongated shape, maritime tourism, agro tourism, and cultural attractions, including many historical attractions are owned by the region, such as in Tana Toraja and Polewali Mamasa . All this adds richness diversity of attractions in this area of South Sulawesi.
However, that potential can only develop if it worked in a more professional, so having a big attraction for both domestic and foreign tourists. To enhance tourism development in South Sulawesi, have built facilities and infrastructure such as roads, transportation (land, sea, air); and hotels, which can encourage the advancement ¬ increase in tourism in this region. If the facilities and good infrastructure was provided in ¬ able, it is also possible that the foreign and domestic investors will be interested to invest in tourism and entertainment sector this. This means, the potential of tourism sector in South Sulawesi will grow more optimally.
South Sulawesi has a very promising opportunities for expanding trade with other provinces, including the treat ¬ extensive network with overseas exports, given the progress of science and technology, particularly information technology and telecommunications sector, which is very rapid. In addition, the geographical position is very strategic South Sulawesi, which is at the intersection of international sea transportation routes. However, it was returned to the HR and ¬ capital investments in this area.
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