Pancasila adalah filosofi dasar negara Indonesia yang berasal dari dua kata sansekerta, “panca” artinya lima, dan “sila” artinya dasar. Pancasila terdiri atas lima dasar yang berhubungan dan tidak dapat dipisahkan, adalah :
1. | Ketuhanan yang Maha Esa |
2. | Kemanusiaan yang adil dan beradab |
3. | Persatuan Indonesia |
4. | Kerakyatan yang dipimpin oleh hikmat kebijaksanaan dalam permusyawaratan/perwakilan |
5. | Keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia |
Indonesia merupakan negara demokrasi yang dalam pemerintahannya menganut sistem presidensiil, dan Pancasila ini merupakan jiwa dari demokrasi. Demokrasi yang didasarkan atas lima dasar tersebut dinamakan Demokrasi Pancasila. Dasar negara ini, dinyatakan oleh Presiden Soekarno (Presiden Indonesia yang pertama) dalam Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Negara Republik Indonesia pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1945.
Pancasila is the philosophical basis of Indonesia who came from two Sanskrit words, "panca" meaning five, and "sila" meaning base. Pancasila consists of five related basic and inseparable, are:
1. Belief in one God
2. Humanity is just and civilized
3. Persatuan Indonesia
4. Democracy guided by the wisdom of deliberation / representation
5. Social justice for all Indonesian people
Indonesia is a democratic state in a presidential system of government, and the Five Principles is the soul of democracy. Democracy is based on the Five Principles is called Democracy Pancasila. The basis of this country, announced by President Soekarno (Indonesia's first president) in the Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17, 1945
Pancasila is the philosophical basis of Indonesia who came from two Sanskrit words, "panca" meaning five, and "sila" meaning base. Pancasila consists of five related basic and inseparable, are:
1. Belief in one God
2. Humanity is just and civilized
3. Persatuan Indonesia
4. Democracy guided by the wisdom of deliberation / representation
5. Social justice for all Indonesian people
Indonesia is a democratic state in a presidential system of government, and the Five Principles is the soul of democracy. Democracy is based on the Five Principles is called Democracy Pancasila. The basis of this country, announced by President Soekarno (Indonesia's first president) in the Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17, 1945
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